Wellbeing announcements

Well Now - Your monthly wellbeing newsletter

Welcome to the Wellbeing Announcements page. This page contains information about the wellbeing campaigns, initiatives and events that are currently available to employees.

You can sign up to currently available wellbeing-related events and courses currently available on PDMS.

Wellbeing announcements


The University has partnered with Peppy to provide menopause and men’s health support for staff, and their partners. Support can be accessed via the Peppy app which you can download to your smartphone. 

Saints Sports YouTube

The Saints Sports Team are creating and posting weekly videos on their YouTube channel to guide you through a variety of exercises that you can do at home.

You can find all the information on the Saints Sports YouTube channel.

Well Now newsletter

Semester 2, 2022/23

Semester 1, 2022/23

To view previous issues of the Well Now newsletter please visit the Well Now archives.

Step Count Challenge

Step Count Challenge is a team-based challenge, that runs for eight weeks in the Spring, and four weeks in the Autumn. The Challenge is designed to encourage people to walk more and adopt more active and healthy habits. Each team has a captain, who is responsible for keeping their team engaged, motivated and to make sure each of the other four team members diligently keep track of their personal step count!

For more information please visit the Step Count Challenge webpage.