Health and safety publications
The University of St Andrews has formulated and published a health and safety policy in compliance with good working practices and the requirements of the legislation governing work activities.
This document is published in pursuance of the aims and objectives of the Health and Safety Policy Statement of the University Court and forms part of the University of St Andrews Health and Safety Policy.
It is the duty of Heads of Schools/Units to implement the University Health and Safety Policy and to ensure compliance within the area(s) which are under their control.
It is the duty of all members of staff, students and visitors, where appropriate, to be familiar with all relevant aspects of the health and safety policy and to comply with the requirements.
The University of St Andrews Health and Safety Policy is available in the form of booklets and on the University website, under "Environmental, Health and Safety Services". The Health and Safety Policy comprises the following:
Health and safety publication index
Induction programme for the return to work after Covid-19 Pandemic (2020)
The list of publications has been rearranged to coincide with the University Health and Safety Policy and with the main 7 sub-policies which are:
- Incident reporting and investigation
- Fieldwork and travel
- Fire safety
- Risk assessment
- Health and safety training
- Local rules for working with ionising radiation
- Occupational Health
Underneath each of these main policies will be a variety of Guidance documents that will detail how Schools and Units will comply with these policies. This webpage will detail the Guidance documents relating to each of the Sub Policies.
Incident reporting and investigation
This section deals with how to report accidents, near misses and other health and safety issues eg fire alarm activations, floods etc.
- Incident Reporting Policy (PDF, 89 KB)
- Incident Reporting and Investigation Guidance (PDF, 1,186 KB) (2021)
- Incident, Accident and Near Miss Report Form (Word, 22 KB) (2021)
- Incident, Accident and Near Miss Investigation Report Form (RTF, 94 KB) (2021)
- Incident, Accident and Near Miss Investigation Report Action Plan Form (Word, 12 KB) (2021)
- Fire Incident Report Form 2022 (Word, 104 KB)
- Incident, Accident and Near Miss Reporting - Moodle Training Course (2021)
- HSE Guidance on Accident Investigation (PDF, 1,609 KB) (2018)
Fieldwork and travel
This section will deal with the risk assessment process for travelling outside the University and for any fieldwork that is being proposed
- Coronavirus - Travel Risk Assessment Guidance (Moodle site) (2020)
- University Travel Form (2021)
- Universities Safety and Health Association Fieldwork Guidance (PDF, 1,142 KB) (2018) - Guidance produced by the Universities Safety and Health Association (USHA)
- Guidance on Travel Abroad and Fieldwork Moodle Site (2019)
Fire safety
This section deals with issues relating to fire safety which includes sections on fire risk assessment, fire safety inspections, Fire Safety Logbooks and how to report fire safety incidents.
- See Fire safety
- University Fire Safety Policy and Guidance (2019) (Word, 902 KB) (2021)
- Fire Incident Report Form 2022 (Word, 104 KB)
- General Fire Safety arrangements and Logbook (Word, 598 KB)General Fire Safety arrangements and Logbook (Word, 598 KB) (2022)
- Safe Evacuation of Persons Who May Need Assistance (PDF, 192 KB) (2021)
- Occupancy Numbers for University Venues (PDF, 369 KB) (2016)
- Safe Use of Evacuation Chairs - Moodle Programme (2019)
Risk assessment
This section deals with the requirement under the Health and Safety at Work Act 1974 and also the Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999 to ensure that risk assessments are undertaken to ensure that suitable and sufficient controls measures are in place to protect workers by elimination or if this is not possible then the minimisation of risks to workers, students and members of the public. This section details guidance on how to control specific as well as general risks.
General risks
- General Risk Assessment Form Template 2021 (Word, 176 KB)
- General Risk Assessments: When, Why and How to Write them (General Risk Assessment Procedures) (Moodle Programme) (2018)
- Essential Skillz - Risk Assessment Course
- Risk Assessments for Occupation of Buildings During Scottish Government Coronavirus Restrictions (2021)
- Audit for Implementation of Coronavirus risk assessment (Word, 92 KB) (2021)
- Coronavirus - Travel Risk Assessment Guidance (Moodle Site) (2020)
Biological risks (2021)
- ACDP Categorisation of Pathogens - HSE Document (PDF, 528 KB) (2021)
- Biosafety Training Course - Moodle Training Course (2018).Notification of Work with Genetically Modified Organisms (Word, 29 KB)
- Chemical Hazard Risk Management System for COSHH (CHARM)
- CHARM Guidance (PDF, 988 KB)
- University Guidance Biological and Genetic Modification Safety (PDF, 984 KB)
- Notification of Work with Genetically Modified Organisms (Word, 29 KB)
- Guidance on work with arthropods (PDF, 149 KB)
- Plant Health (Scotland) Order 2005
- Specified Animal Pathogens Licence Application Process
- Specified Animal Pathogens (Scotland) Order 2009 - includes a list of SAPO agents in Schedule 1
Chemical risks (2021)
- Chemical / COSHH Moodle Training Course
- Chemical Hazard Risk Management System for COSHH (CHARM)
- CHARM Guidance
- Chemical safety - University Guidance
- HSE Guidance on Chemical Classification, Labeling and Packaging Regulations 2009 (CLP) and the Globally Harmonised System for Symbols (GHS) labelling chemicals
- ChemInventory log in
- ChemInventory guidance
Confined Spaces
- Policy and Guidance on the Safe Storage and Handling of Cryogenic Materials (PDF, 904 KB) (2021)
Display screen equipment
- Display screen equipment computerised training programme (Essential Skillz) (2021)
- DSE Risk Assessment Form (During Coronavirus Outbreak) (Word, 175 KB)
- Policy and Guidance on the Safe Use of Display Screen Equipment (PDF, 976 KB) (2021)
- Workstation and Display Screen Equipment - University Moodle Training package
Electrical safety
- Electrical safety
- Guidance on Safe Use of Electrical Adapters (PDF, 1,114 KB) (2021)
First aid
- Self-Inspection and checklist
- Workplace Inspection Guidance (PDF, 207 KB) (2021)
Ladder safety
Laser and High Powered Optical Radiation Policy and Guidance
Local exhaust ventilation
Lone work guidance
- Machinery - New Machinery
- Machinery - Buying New Machinery (GUIDANCE)
- Machinery - Dangerous Parts (GUIDANCE)
- Machinery Checklist (RTF, 9 KB) (2021)
Manual handling operations
- University Policy and Guidance for Safe Manual Handling Operations (PDF, 497 KB) (2018)
New and expectant mothers
Noise at work
Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
- Personal Protective Equipment Guidance (PDF, 877 KB) (2021)
Pressure systems
- Major Release of Toxic Gas or Major Spillage of Hazardous Substances
- Gas Cylinders - Safe Use of Gas Cylinders (GUIDANCE)
- Pressure Systems
- Pressure Systems - Pressure Systems Safety Regulations 2000 (GUIDANCE)
- Pressure Systems - Safe Use of Gas Cylinders
- Pressure systems - safe use of gas cylinders (GUIDANCE) (PDF, 596 KB)
- Pressure Systems - Pressure Regulators (GUIDANCE)
Slips, trips and falls
- University Guidance on Disposal of Hazardous Waste or Recycling Waste (PDF, 591 KB) (2016)
- Waste Disposal - Flow Diagram of Disposal Routes
- Classification and Disposal of Hazardous Waste - WM3 - SEPA Document (PDF, 5,204 KB) (2021)
- Hazardous Waste Disposal Form (Veolia) (Excel, 86 KB) (2021)
Work at height
- High Work - Work at Height
- High Work - A Brief Guide to the Work at Height Regulations 2005 (GUIDANCE)
- Work Equipment/Lifting Equipment
- Work Equipment (GUIDANCE)
- Lifting Equipment (GUIDANCE)
Health and safety training
The University health and safety training policy and guidance can be found at the following sites:
- Health and Safety Training Policy (PDF, 150 KB) (2021)
- Health and Safety Training Guidance (PDF, 186 KB)
This section highlights the means of providing health and safety training to staff. The EHSS Health and Safety Training webpage has details of all such courses
- Centre for Health and Safety Excellence (CHASE). This centre provides externally accredited health and safety courses from NEBOSH. These include
- NEBOSH Health and Safety at Work Award
- NEBOSH HSE Introduction to Incident Investigation
- NEBOSH/HSE Certificate in Health and Safety Leadership Excellence
Information on CHASE can be found at the CHASE Home Webpage
- Health and Safety Training programmes can be found on the Environmental, Health and Safety Services Moodle site
- Essential Skillz - Health and Safety Training programmes for a variety of training videos
There are some School/Unit specific health and safety induction programmes for higher risk areas with specific requirements over and above the Essential Skillz general health and safety induction. These are:
- School of Biology Health and Safety Induction Programme - Moodle Training Programme
- School of Chemistry Health and Safety Induction Programme - Moodle Training Programme
- School of Physics and Astronomy Office Staff Health and Safety Induction Programme - Moodle Training Programme
- School of Physics and Astronomy Laboratory/Workshop Health and Safety Induction Programme - Moodle Training Programme
There is a Moodle site for School/Unit safety co-ordinators training which can be found at:
- School/Unit Safety Co-ordinator Training (only accessible to safety co-ordinators) - Moodle Programme
This training will be superseded by Essential Skillz in the future.
Local rules for working with ionising and non-ionising radiations
This section deals with the policies and guidance for work with radioactive materials, X-rays and lasers (including non-coherent high powered artificial optical sources).
Registration Form as a Radiation Worker at St Andrews University (Word, 56 KB)
Details of the:
- Site-Specific Local Rules
- Local Rules - Work Instructions
- Ionising Radiations Regulations risk assessments for:
- Unsealed Sources
- Sealed Radioactive Sources
- Use of luminescence dating equipment
- Radon
- Use of X-ray equipment
can be found on the EHSS radiation page.
Occupational Health
Details of the services provided by Occupational Health can be found on the Occupational Health Website
Mental health and wellbeing
- Occupational Health Website
- Mental Health and Wellbeing (Site hosted by Student Services)
- Health Surveillance Code of Practice (Word, 50 KB)
- University Stress Policy 2021 (PDF, 760 KB)
- Managers guide to monitoring stress
- Stress recognition and reduction
- Contractors - General Code of Safety Practice (PDF, 380 KB) (2021)