Early Career Women Network (ECWN)

About us

ECWN provides a space for like-minded, self-defining women to come together to network and discuss topics of mutual interest in a supportive environment. ECWN will organise invited talks and networking sessions, among other events, that will focus on the many-faceted working lives of early career women. Anyone who defines themselves as an 'early career woman' in any staff post is welcome to join our network, including final year PhD students.

To join the mailing list please email ecwn@st-andrews.ac.uk.

The network has had a haitus during the coronavirus pandemic and there are currently no events planned for the ECWN. Please check back again at the start of the 2022-2023 academic year for updates.

We're looking for a couple of early career women who would be interested in helping to organise some future events (as part of a wider team). If you want to find out more, or to register your interest, please contact diversity@st-andrews.ac.uk.


ECWN Meet-up
18 February 2020, 1 - 2 pm, Hebdomadar's Room, St Salvator's Quad.

A networking event with tea/coffee and cake. Topic for discussion: UCU strike action. Children welcome.

ECWN Meet-up
30 May, 2019 1 - 2 pm, Seminar Room 6, The Gateway, North Haugh.

A networking event with tea/coffee and cake. Topic for discussion: the year in review. Children welcome.

ECWN Meet-up
30 April 2019, 11 am -12 pm, Hebdomadar's Room, St Salvator's Quad.

A networking event with tea/coffee and cake. Topic for discussion: postdoc access to office facilities. Children welcome.

ECWN Meet-up
27 March 2019, 1 -2 pm, Gateway Boardroom, North Haugh.

A networking event with tea/coffee and cake. Topic for discussion: women need money and a room of their own in order to work. Children welcome.

Demystifying the REF: a session for early career staff
4 March 2019, 12.00 -1.30 pm, Lecture Room 3, St Mary's College.

What is the Research Excellence Framework? How is research excellence measured? What will the new REF cycle entail and to what extent should it guide our research? This session aims to answer these questions and more.

Presentation on REF followed by a panel Q&A session. Panel members include Professor Derek Woollins (Vice-Principal Research and Innovation), Dr Helen Reddy (Director of Research and Innovation Services), Dr Louise Reid (Lecturer, School of Geography and Sustainable Development) and Dr Bhayva Rao (Careers Adviser with a focus on postdocs and postgrads).

ECWN Meet-up,
26 February 2019, 11 am -12 pm, Lecture Room 3, St Mary's College.

A networking event with tea/coffee and cake. Children welcome.

Dr Francesca Sobande, Black Women and the marketplace in the UK
17 December 2018, 12-1pm, Hebdomadar's Room, St Salvator's Quad.

Dr Sobande, Edge Hill University, will draw on her research of how Black women in Britain are depicted in the media to facilitate a discussion on the intersections of racism, sexism and capitalism. Tea/coffee and vegan cake will be served. Children welcome. This event is open to all.

ECWN Meet-up
26 November 2018, 12-1pm, Gateway Boardroom, North Haugh.

A networking event with tea/coffee and cake. Topic for discussion: work-life balance. Children welcome.

Celebrating the History of St Andrews Feminism
21 November 2018, 2-4pm, Buchanan Lecture Theatre.

Talk by Dr Sarah Browne about the history of the Women's Liberation Movement in St Andrews, followed by a panel with original members of the Women's Liberation Movement in 1970s St Andrews. We will then convene for coffee/cake and further discussion. Children are welcome at this event. This event is open to all.

ECWN Meet-up
29 October 2018, 12-1pm, St Salavator's Quad

A networking event with tea/coffee and cake. Topic for discussion: microagression in the workplace. Children welcome.

Impact from an ECW Perspective
27 September 2018, 12-2 pm, Parliament Hall

To kick off the new academic year, Adriana Wilde (Associate Lecturer in Computer Science) will speak about impact from an early career perspective. Opening words by Professor Sally Mapstone. Attendees will have a chance to mingle and find out more about the ECWN and its plans for the upcoming year over a vegan lunch. Children are welcome at this event.

Career chat and coffee/cake
11 May 2018, 10-11am, Gateway

Join other early career women to chat about careers. As a basis for discussion, we'll use the 'Academic Women Here' booklet (2018), which gives a helpful overview of the many varied lives of Grade 8 academic women in St Andrews. There will be cake (with vegan options) and coffee too.

Sexism at Work Event and lunch
20 April 2018, 1-3pm, Arts Lecture Theatre

Local politicians and St Andrews University academics will discuss the varied and complicated nature of sexism in the workplace. Followed by Q&A, a vegan lunch and mingling. Feel free to bring children. This event is open to all.

Institutional Policy Q&A with HR and lunch, Thursday
12 April 2018, 12-2pm, MBS Building

A Q&A with University of St Andrews HR and policy workers. We will discuss maternity leave, short term contracts and other issues that disporportionatly affect early career women. Bring your questions to our colleauges in HR for a constructive debate. A vegan lunch will be served, and there will be time for casual mingling after. Feel free to drop in/out and bring children. This event is open to all.

Walk and Talk
19 March 2018, 1-2pm

Join other early career women for a quick walk and chat.

Stress-busting and Relaxation Express Event
13 February 2018, 12pm-1pm, Arts Building

Staff are invited to attend our stress-busting and relaxation express event. This session, which encompasses hints and tips, breathing techniques and visualisation/relaxation followed by an informal chat, will be led by Melanie Atkins.  A selection of fruit will be available.

13 December 2017 11am-1pm, Medical Sciences Building

This will be a casual affair with coffee, tea and cakes (vegan and gluten free will be provided, plus milk alternative for coffee). Our idea was that it would be nice to have a bit of time to get to know each other while eating cake. We hope you agree! 

Early Career Women Network (ECWN) launch event lunch
30 November 2017, 12-2pm, Parliament Hall

All staff are invited to the launch of the ECW Network, aimed at providing a space for like-minded, self-defining women to come together to discuss topics of mutual interest in a supportive environment. The network will organise invited talks and networking sessions, among other events, that will focus on the many-faceted working lives of early career women (final year PhD up to eight years post-PhD). The network is run by early career women, for early career women and will kick-off with an invited talk by Professor Aileen Fyfe, a historian who co-edited Academic Women Now! (2016) and is currently co-organising a project on the experiences of mid-career women here at St Andrews. After the talk there will be a chance to discuss what people would want from the ECW Network.