Fairness = Funding

How does Fairness = Funding? 

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Fairness equals many elements of progress, such as increased productivity and wellbeing, but it also impacts funding in a positive way through the following:

1. Legal Compliance

The changing legal landscape requires funding institutions to comply with the 'Equality Act (2010)' and the 'Public Sector Equality Duty' (PSED), which is inclusive of laws relating to human rights, employment and service provision. Scottish universities are to demonstrate compliance with the 'PSED' as set out in a public legal document titled the Specific Duties. Note: duties differ in Scotland compared to the rest of the UK. 

The Scottish Funding Council (SFC) invests almost a billion pounds of public funds in Scotland’s HE sector for teaching, learning and research. The SFC is required to comply with the 'PSED', therefore in order to gain funding; universities must demonstrate compliance as stated on the SFC Outcome Agreement webpage.

Example 1 + 2 demonstrating how EDI can assist with direct funding.

2. Good Practice Awards: Diversity Awards/Projects

Research Councils UK (RCUK) unveiled its new Statement of Expectations for Equality and Diversity on 17 Jan 2013, which is intended to drive more rapid cultural change in the management of E&D in institutions receiving Research Council funding.

The Athena Swan Charter has evolved from the Athena Project and the Scientific Women’s Academic Network (SWAN) advancing representation of women in Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics and Medicine (STEMM) in HE.  In May 2015 it widened to include Arts, Humanities, Social Sciences, Business and Law (AHSSBL), plus cover professional/support staff.  Levels of the award are Bronze; Silver; and Gold.

The European Commission HR Excellence in Research Award stems from the principles of 'The Concordat', which was signed by research bodies.  HR and E&D elements are key to the employment award criteria.  The HR Excellence in Research logo tells researchers that an institution is committed to supporting their careers and can give them confidence about moving to a new institution, perhaps in a new country. A main driver for the initiative is to ensure that Europe is an attractive place for researchers from all over the globe.  There are a range of benefits for organisations that have the Award, it can add value to funding applications to demonstrate a commitment to good working conditions and career development for researchers. It can also be used to promote this commitment to researchers who might be considering moving to your institution.    

3. Delivering Equality & Embracing Diversity

  • Embedding the 'Equality & Diversity Inclusion Policy' across the institution
  • Raising awareness of specific ‘Protected Characteristics’ through 'Equality Manager & Staff Briefings'
  • Ensure training for managers and staff is compliant
  • Capacity building with the diverse local population through engagement
  • Monitoring equality outcomes in order to facilitate change
  • In-house Equalities Support & Advice on policy/provision across the University

"Fairness = Funding" initiative was developed by Sukhi Bains (EDI HR) to further strategic and operational equity (7 Nov 2011).