Trans, Gender Identity, Reassignment, or Non-Binary
EHRC Equality Act (2010) protected characteristic Gender Reassignment definition (15 Feb 2023): The process of transitioning from one sex to another.
- Policy and Guidance on Trans Staff and Students
- Pronoun guidance
- University LGBTIQ+ Staff Role Model Members webpage
- University LGBTIQ+ Staff Network
- University LGBTIQ+ Allies Members webpage
- LGBT+ life and history at St Andrews
- LGBT Charter
- Stonewall Workplace Equality Index
- ILGA Rainbow Map - annual benchmarking tool, ranking countries in Europe on their LGBTI equality laws, policies and practices for LGBTI people.
- UK Gov: Advice for LGBT tourists travelling abroad
- UK Gov: Foreign travel advice - refer to 'Local laws and customs' per listed country
Gender Identity Research and Education Society (GIRES) e-learning