Study Abroad learning outcomes

Study Abroad programmes play an important role in the University's commitment to a learning culture that is challenging, imaginative and flexible. Study Abroad offers opportunities to experience other academic cultures and foster intellectual maturity, while enhancing co-curricular skills and the long-term employability of students.

Study Abroad placements may extend over one semester or over an entire academic year.  Study Abroad for credit is permitted on existing University approved programmes only and is fully integrated into the St Andrews degree programme. Students are awarded credits and grades at the partner institution which are converted into St Andrews credits and grades on return and included in St Andrews degree classification.

On completion of the Study Placement, students can be expected to:

  1. be able to outline the benefits of exposure to a different higher educational culture;
  2. have developed intellectual flexibility through approaching their academic discipline from another perspective;
  3. be able to reflect on skills learned and knowledge gained and how these may contribute to future academic development;
  4. be able to articulate the academic benefits and challenges of studying abroad and how these relate to transferable skills required for future employment or study;
  5. have improved professional communication, presentation and interpersonal skills, networking skills and, if relevant, skills in another language;
  6. have developed a range of self-management and life-long learning skills including time management, adaptability, confidence, independence and enterprise;
  7. have developed problem-solving skills in a range of familiar and unfamiliar situations;
  8. have increased awareness of and sensitivity to other cultural customs and norms;
  9. have developed resilience through coping with adversity or challenging circumstances;
  10. have the ability to reflect upon their contribution to the University as an ambassador for St Andrews.