Support and advice for returning students

Palermo, Sicily

We hope you all had a wonderful and memorable experience during your time abroad and would like to welcome you back to St Andrews. We have put together some information that you might find useful as you readjust to your life and studies in St Andrews.

For information on grade conversion, please refer to the academic information section. 

Student Services

Student Services is there for you to support you through any worries and concerns you may have when returning to St Andrews, whether academic or personal. They offer a confidential, professional service, ensuring that you receive individual and high quality support. If you contact them, they will offer you support quickly, initially via their Support Advice Team who, as first responders, can discuss your difficulty, and agree with you the best way forward. 

At Home and Abroad Society

AHA (At Home And Abroad Society) is made up of students from a wide variety of countries, most of whom have worked or studied abroad. They are there to act as a supportive and friendly network for study and work abroad students. They plan a variety of sociable events throughout the semester, which you can find out about though their Facebook page.

Centre for Educational Enhancement and Development (CEED)

CEED provides a comprehensive range of opportunities to support personal, professional and academic development for you. If you are worried about entering Honours, your writing style or simply adjusting back to academia at St Andrews then CEED can help you. They run courses throughout the semester such as academic and study skills and you can also book a one on one Study skill or Math support appointment with them.


If you are not already, join our Facebook page. Our page is a space for all prospective and returning Year Abroad students. You could use it to give advice to students who are about to go on their Year Abroad and for example, to try and find accommodation in St Andrews. It is also a place you can get in touch with us for any advice.

Global Office 

The Global Office run student consultation hours from 2-4pm, Monday to Friday, during term time in St Katharine’s West, The Scores.  During these hours, we invite you to drop-in with any questions you may have relating to your return to St Andrews, such as grade conversion.

The Global Office runs Feedback Sessions for students to discuss their time abroad. You will be invited to take part in a feedback session for your host country or university but if you would like to provide feedback to us directly please email 

You can also discuss any aspects of your study abroad experience with the Student Mobility Officer.