Study abroad scholarships

There are a range of scholarships available to students undertaking Study Abroad programmes. 

These include: 

Saints Abroad Scholarships

The Global Office is delighted to offer a range of scholarships to support students who are studying or working abroad as part of their degree programme through our Saints Abroad scholarship portfolio. These scholarships range from a couple of hundred pounds to £12,000 and are generously supported by a range of donors including Miss Marjorie Moncrieff Travel Scholarship (Study Abroad and Summer Abroad), the Lesley B. Hinde Stevens Travel Bursary, the Nisbet Memorial Travel Scholarship, the Prof Norman K. Smith Endowment, the George Vincent Simson Travelling Scholarship, the St Salvator's Hall Travel Scholarships, the Walker Trust Travel Bursaries, the Zannah Stephen Memorial Travel Bursaries, the Ede and Ravenscroft Scholarship and the Adam Smith Thomson Travel Awards. Applications are welcome from both undergraduate and postgraduate students.

Programme scholarships

A range of scholarships attached to specific Study Abroad programmes. 

RUK (England, Wales, Northern Ireland) tuition fee scholarships 2024-2025

The University of St Andrews is committed to supporting and enhancing study abroad opportunities for all students. 

In the context of current restrictions on tuition fee loan funding for RUK students spending the full 2024-2025 academic year on a full year study or external work placement, students within this category are eligible to apply to the University for a needs-based tuition fee scholarship to a maximum of £3,600.

The Moncrieff Travelling Scholarship – BL4301/ BL 5124 Polar Ecology and BL4249 Scientific Diving

The Moncrieff Travelling Scholarship fund supports a variety of student mobility for credit. The Moncrieff Travelling Scholarship – BL4301 Polar Ecology and BL4249 Scientific Diving supports students taking these two modules within the School of Biology at undergraduate and postgraduate level, regardless of fee status, who are participating in the named modules. Six scholarships of £1000 to £3000 are available each year.

External scholarships 

There are a range of scholarships funded from outside of the University of St Andrews.

The Robert T Jones Scholarship Programme

This supports students for one year of study at Emory University in Atlanta. A valuable and prestigious opportunity available to students at St Andrews and covering all mandatory costs. Available to students who are completing their final year of undergraduate study and are open to all nationalities, except United States citizens. 

The R&A International Scholarship

Established by a generous gift from The R&A in support of the University’s 600th Anniversary campaign, the Scholarships are a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, designed to fund a year of international travel.  Please note that these scholarships are managed by Development and not the Global Office.