Learning agreement

Once you have been selected to participate in a Study Abroad programme, it is important that you spend time researching modules or courses at your host institution, and agreeing a programme of study with your Study Abroad Co-ordinator. In consultation with your Co-ordinator, you will complete a Learning Agreement (Word, 521 KB). This is an extremely important document as it details the overseas modules for which you will receive credit on your return to St Andrews. Failure to return it to St Andrews within four weeks of commencing a Study Abroad placement will have the following consequences:

  • Any credits awarded overseas would not be recognised by St Andrews. Students would be required to make up the shortfall in credits on return to St Andrews.
  • Students would remain liable for tuition fees for the semester of Study Abroad.
  • Permission to study abroad in semester two would be withdrawn and students would be expected to return to St Andrews.

Your responsibilities

  1. Before you go abroad, familiarise yourself with the policy on Credits and Grade Conversions for Study Abroad, especially the sections: 'Number of Credits and Choice of Modules and Levels', and the information available on credits and modules abroad. Ask your Study Abroad Co-ordinator before you go abroad if you have any questions.  You should also consult our Modules and credits and other institutions webpage.
  2. Ensure you attend the compulsory pre-departure meeting in April, where one of the Associate Deans (Education) will present on credit and grade conversion and answer any questions you may have.
  3. Discuss any circumstances likely to affect your academic performance with your Study Abroad Co-ordinator before you go abroad.
  4. Complete a provisional Learning Agreement in consultation with your Study Abroad Co-ordinator. To do this, you will need to research modules available at your host institution and discuss options with your Study Abroad Co-ordinator.  This can be agreed via email.
  5. To submit your final Learning Agreement, you  can then either: 
    Email your Study Abroad Co-ordinator(s) to arrange signature of the Learning Agreement and upload the fully signed version to the My Study Abroad Administration task in MySaint. 
    Email your signed Learning Agreement to the Global Office and we can arrange final signatures from your Study Abroad Co-ordinators.  We will then upload your fully signed agreement to MySaint for your reference.  
  6. Your final learning agreement must be submitted to the Global Office no later than four weeks after arrival at your host institution. You may find on arrival at your host institution that some of the courses you had planned to take are not running, so you should have back up options. If a course seems full, it is worth speaking to the course tutor as some institutions will make allowances for exchange students.  If the add/ drop period at the partner university ends before the four week return period, please make sure that you submit your Learning Agreement in advance for approval by your Study Abroad Co-ordinator.  It is your responsivity to ensure that you are enrolled in sufficient credits at the partner university.  
  7. Should you agree any changes to your Learning Agreement with your Study Abroad Co-ordinator, you should complete 'Changes to programme of study' section of the Learning Agreement and resubmit this to the Global Office. 
  8. Signal any academic problems you encounter while you are away to your Study Abroad Co-ordinator in St Andrews immediately.
  9. Some partner institutions require students to sign a transcript release form to enable a transcript to be sent directly to St Andrews; please don't forget to do this before you leave your host institution.
  10. Bring back copies of your work, together with grades and tutors' comments where possible.
  11. Submit any evidence you wish your School to consider in the grade conversion process to your Study Abroad Co-ordinator by the end of Week 2 in the semester immediately following your Study Abroad period(s).