Transferring to a different Institution

Students wishing to transfer to another institution are required to make the application to that institution via that institutions normal application process. we do not facilitate transfers to other institutions unless this is part of a joint degree or study abroad programme

Students are required to enquire with that institution directly regarding any credit transfer. 

Where you want to transfer to, and to what course?

  • Check individual University websites or UCAS courses.

Which year should you transfer into? 

  • You will not always be able to transfer into the ‘next’ year.  Universities expect students to take at least 50% of their degree with them, and different Universities have different course structures and requirements.  This means you may have to take a step back or repeat a year, because you may not be able to transfer all of your credits.  You will have to tell the University you want to go to about your course so that they can advise on what level/year you would be placed at and how many credits you can transfer.

When should you transfer?

  • Some Universities ask you to reapply through UCAS, and the closing date for applications to UCAS is normally in January of each year.  Depending on when you decide to transfer you may have to apply to start the following year.  Other Universities may be able to accept a transfer without going through UCAS.  Transferring after Semester 1 can also be difficult because other institutions do not all follow the same timetable.

Universities often require the following:

  • Information about your course and modules. These details can be found in the module catalogue.
  • A transcript for a record of your studies.  See request for endorsed academic transcripts for information on how to request your transcript.
  • An academic reference. Please contact your adviser of studies or a member of academic staff who can comment on your studies.  Please check with the institution you wish to transfer into, or UCAS if you are reapplying to study in the UK.

If you wish to transfer to a University in the USA, you are likely to be asked to initiate the provision of a completed College Official’s Report Form.  Having filled in your sections, you should give this form at least 3 weeks in advance of the submission deadline to the Transcript Team, who can complete the section of the form relating to your standing, and eligibility for future study, at St Andrews.  Mail to

If you have applied to transfer elsewhere it’s a good idea to keep hold of your place at St Andrews until you have a confirmed place elsewhere.

Students can apply and accept offers at another institution while completing any outstanding credits at St Andrews before withdrawing from St Andrews and registering/starting at the new institution.

Students who apply to another institution and accept any offers of a place on another programme at an alternative institution are then required to withdraw from St Andrews before they are able to register at another institution.

You should get in touch with the Registry Officer who will ensure that you have been withdrawn from your studies at St Andrews.

Contact details

Undergraduate/Postgraduate (Taught)
Registry UG/PGT Change of Circumstance Student Support
T: 01334 462129

Postgraduate (Research)
Registry PGR Change of Circumstance Student Support 
T: 01334 462256