Physical disabilities and access
The University strives to ensure accessibility, however given the historic nature of many buildings we cannot guarantee access to all areas. Wherever possible teaching arrangements can be established to allow accessible rooms to be utilised across the campus, therefore teaching may not always occur in the specific School of study.
A number of halls of residence have accessible rooms and applicants are advised to contact the Disability Team as early as possible to ensure their teaching and living needs can be met.
Individual support arrangements can be discussed with the Disability Team and may include measures from the Health & Safety Office relevant to emergency evacuation from halls of residence and other university buildings. Applicants are encouraged to contact the Disability Team early.
You can speak to a member of the disability team should you have any questions, issues or concerns about support and access to the University buildings and facilities. The University is also offering virtual visiting days and online information events.
If you require personal help whilst staying in University Accommodation, please see the guide for independent living.
Detailed information on the physical access to all key university buildings is available from the AccessAble website. There is also an app version that can be downloaded from Apple and Android app stores.
If you have any questions relating to the physical access of the University please contact the Disability Team by emailing
Disabled Students ordinarily resident in the UK may be eligible for Disabled Students' Allowance (DSA). The Disability Team can offer guidance on the process and help with applications. Further information regarding DSA is available from your respective funding authority:
- Student Awards Agency for Scotland (SAAS)
- Student Finance England
- Student Finance Northern Ireland
- Student Finance Wales
If you decide not to apply for DSA, or are not eligible for it, the Disability Team will still be able to advise you on what support is available to you so please get in touch with us.
You can make an appointment to speak to a Disability Adviser by emailing