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Leave of Absence (Postgraduate Research Students)

What is Leave of Absence?

Sometimes, circumstances may require you to take time out from your studies. These situations include:

  • illness
  • bereavement
  • adverse family circumstances
  • the need to earn money to continue studying
  • an internship

Leave of absence "stops the clock" on your study period. It exists to assist students through a period of adverse circumstances. As such, you should not be working on your thesis during a Leave of Absence.

When should I apply for Leave of Absence?

You should seek advice as soon as you become aware that leave may be required. Retrospective leave of absence is rarely granted.

Where can I get advice?

Student Services can provide wellbeing support if you are facing challenges. For any health-related issues, contact your GP or seek other professional advice, especially when you require Help in an emergency, crisis, or urgent situation.

You are strongly advised to discuss with your supervisor(s) any circumstances which you think may require a Leave of Absence. Specific advice about Leave of Absence procedure and the implications for your student record is available from the PGR Registry Support Officer. The Director of Postgraduate Studies in your School serves as another point of contact.

How do I apply for Leave of Absence?

Formal approval is required for Leave of Absence. To apply, you must use the MMS Online Form. Your request will first need to be approved by the Director of Postgraduate Studies in your School. The PGR Registry Support Officer and the Associate Provost (Students) will then be notified, and if your request is approved, Registry will send you confirmation.

What is the duration for a Leave of Absence?

Leave of Absence can only be granted in months. Consequently, the shortest leave is for a period of 1 month, but you may request a Leave of Absence for up to 12 months at a time. The maximum permitted period of leave is two years. Leave will not be permitted indefinitely. If you need further leave beyond the two-year maximum, the Associate Provost (Students) and the PGR Registry Support Officer will discuss your future options with you and your supervisor(s). To request a further leave, a follow-up request must be made.

Importantly, Leave of Absence cannot be granted beyond a student’s current expected end date. If a student is getting close to their expected end date, the Associate Provost (Students) may decline the request for leave and insist on an application for an Extension instead.

What are the implications regarding funding?

External bodies may not accept the Leave of Absence. This may have implications for funding arrangements and you must check your particular situation. Regulations surrounding Leave of Absence are especially strict if you are funded by a Research Council. Leave is usually restricted to medical circumstances, and medical documentation required must include exact start and end dates for your Leave (in months). It is important for you and your supervisor(s) to seek advice at an early stage from the PGR Registry Support Officer.

What are the implications for visa holders?

If you are an overseas student on a student visa, your Leave of Absence will be reported to the Home Office on approval. Your student visa will be revoked and you will have to leave the UK within 60 days. On recommencing your studies, a new student visa will be required. The International Student Adviser will be able to advise you on the visa application process.

If you have a student visa, a Leave of Absence will affect any employment you have with the University and you should take advice from the PGR Registry Support Officer.

In case of bereavement or other serious personal or medical matters, it may be more appropriate for a visa-holder to apply for Compassionate Leave for up to 60 days. Student Services and the PGR Registry Support Officer must always be consulted before any period of Compassionate Leave can be agreed. Compassionate leave cannot be granted retrospectively.

Students who feel in need of compassionate leave should contact the Director of Postgraduate Research in their School.

How is my student status affected?

You are not deemed to be a student during leave. As a result, you won’t be required to pay tuition fees for the duration of the leave, and the time spent on leave will be added to your expected end date. However, please note that you will not be entitled to student benefits such as council tax exemption or use of the library. If you are living in student accommodation, your contract will end five days after your leave commences. Please discuss potential implications regarding your student status with the PGR Registry Support Officer.

Where can I get independent advice regarding University policy?

The Students' Association operates a HelpHub to provide confidential advice on policies and can offer support in case of a complaint.

Leave of Absence: related links

Student Services Information for Research Postgraduates: