Online Writing Retreats

Need time and space to work on a writing project? Why not join an Online Writing Retreat! 

The Online Writing Retreats represent a collaboration between Developers from OSDS and CEED working alongside PGR and Postdoctoral facilitators. 

Our regular, structured writing retreats aim to give dedicated writing time to participants for the purpose of progressing any writing projects (e.g working on a manuscript, preparing a presentation) within a supportive online environment.

Retreats take place via MS Teams either in the morning (09:30-13:00) or afternoon (13:00-16:30).

Participants are encouraged to set up a distraction-free setting to write. The retreat provides the opportunity to work in a supportive online environment with other writers.

It is also recommended that participants prepare a project plan beforehand, in the form of document headings/presentation slide headings for example.

Join the Writing Retreat Community

Whether you're a regular participant or you're new to the Writing Retreats, come and join our new Writing Retreat Community, a space for you to meet your facilitators and other writers from across the University, share your top writing tips and access handy resources. 

Half Day Retreat timings example

Morning Retreat

09:30 - 09:50 Introductions, writing warm up, setting goals, planning

09:50 - 11:00 Writing

11:00 - 11:15 Break and review

11:15 - 12:45 Writing

12:45 - 13:00 Wrap up


Afternoon Retreat

13:00 - 13:20 Introductions, writing warm up, setting goals, planning

13:20 - 14:30 Writing

14:30 - 14:45 Break and review

14:45 - 16:15 Writing

16:15 - 16:30 Wrap up

What previous participants have said about the Writing Retreats

  • It's a great idea and very effective/efficient way to write

  • Great structure and set up. Very good for focusing on writing

  • Friendly and productive atmosphere

  • The group work aspect was helpful for motivation

  • Aims and objectives

  • The aim of a structured writing retreat is to give dedicated writing time to participants for the purpose of progressing their writing projects in a supportive, non-surveillance environment.

  • It allows participants to share their writing goals with others to increase the likelihood of completing those goals.

Your facilitators

PGR and Postdoctoral facilitators work alongside OSDS and CEED Developers to regularly host the Online Writing Retreats. They are paid for their time and each bring their own experiences and advice for successfully progressing a writing project.  

If you would like to become an Online Writing Retreat facilitator, please contact OSDS via e-mail:

Keep up to date

Staff can keep up to date with the latest development opportunities (tailored by cohort), by joining the OSDS Development MS Team.

Please book your place on OSDS activities in advance via PDMS (add link).  Bookings close at 14.00 the day before each event.