6. Assignment Overview
This chapter covers the Assignment Overview page which can be used to view submitted coursework, upload student assignments, and view marks and feedback. Each assignment in a coursework tool has its own 'Assignment Overview' page. To access the assignment overview for an assignment, click the assignment title on the Coursework Overview page.
In this chapter we will cover
- The Assignment tab: which displays all file submissions, marks, feedback and lateness
- Vew Options: For adjusting the display of the page
- Uploading on behalf of a student (advanced)
- Settings tab (advanced): extra configuration options just for this assignment
As with other chapters of this guide, those sections labelled as 'advanced' will extend your knowledge of the system but are not essential
The Assignment Tab
The Assignment tab displays most of the information you will require about an assignment. As a member of staff you can download and student submissions, view lateness, and view feedback & grades (an example is given in Figure 6.1).
Figure 6.1: An example of the assignment overview, the assignments table contains details about student submissions. The Upload Coursework section allows staff to upload coursework on behalf of a student. The Upload Grades section allows the upload of student grades via CSV files
Each student is represented by a row in the table which contains the following columns:
- User Name - Student user name and also a link to the student view of that student (only available if de-anonymised)
- Matric Number — The student’s matriculation number and also a link to the student record card in Data Warehouse (not all users will have access)
- Due Date — The date the assignment is due. This may not be the same for every student.
- Feedback — This is the date that feedback is due, again this may not be the same for every student
- File — For 'electronic submission' a students submission will be represented by a file icon which you can click on to download the file. For paper submission the file column will simply state Paper hand-in. Turnitin Note: if the assignment is a Turnitin assignment, the file may take a few hours to be visible in MMS after the student submits.
- Submitted — The date that the file was submitted. Turnitin Note: if the assignment is a Turnitin assignment, the submission time displayed will be the time submitted to Turnitin, not the time the file appears in MMS.
- Lateness — will display how late a student submission was. These columns will be blank if the student submitted on time.
- Grade — The current mark the student has for the assignment. Grades contained within square brackets e.g [15.0] are hidden from students (see Assignment settings on how to make marks visible), and where there are two sets of grades the grade in round brackets is the original grade with the other grade having a lateness penalty applied. For more information on the new lateness policies see: Policy on Lateness Penalties.pdf
- Feedback — Contains a link the Feedback page for the submission. Useful for adding feedback, deleting feedback and for viewing deleted submissions
- Turnitin Score—
- If the assignment has been set to be a Turnitin Assignment, a link through to the Turnitin scores will be displayed on the Assignment overview, just below the 'View Options' section, as shown below.
- If Urkund has been enabled (to enable Urkund click the Enable Urkund button on the module overview) then this column will display the coursework submissions Urkund score with is a link to the Urkund report. For more information on using Urkund with MMS see the Urkund section of this guide. NOTE: Urkund is no longer used by default on modules for S2 2017/8 and staff should configure 'Turnitin assignments' instead
- Module Notes — The Module Notes column contains information associated with the student. These notes will appear throughout the module. To Add a notes click the [Add] link.
- Select — Used to select files in which to delete. Just select the files by ticking the boxes in the select column and then click the 'Delete Selected Files' button. Usually only used if a student needs to upload a new file after the due date
View options
The upper section of the Coursework Overview contains a range of view options. By default MMS will display all the students that you are responsible for. Tutors will, be default, see only those students in their groups. Students can be view by group by selecting the desired group from the 'Show students' drop down list and then clicking on the 'Change View' button.
The default student identification method is set on the configuration Settings tab of the configuration page however if the default option is set to show just student ID then an options to de-anonymise the page will appear in the View Options section. Tick the 'De-anonymise' checkbox and click the 'Change View' button.
Uploading on behalf of a student (advanced)
Until the due date, students can upload and delete files as often as they want, however after the due date students cannot delete a submission and can only upload a file if the slot is empty. Occasionally you may have to upload a submission on behalf of a student, for example, if it is after the due date and they have submitted the wrong file.
Standard MMS Assignments
In order to upload a file, the slot needs to be empty so if the student has already uploaded a file you will need to delete it. Locate the student in the assignment overview table and tick the checkbox in the 'select' column, scroll to the bottom of the page and click the 'Delete selected Files' button (see the View Feedback section if you accidentally delete a submission).
Once you have cleared the slot scroll down to the Upload Coursework section just beneath the assignment table. You will see a drop-down list of all the students in the module. Select the student from the list and then click the 'Browse...' button to select the file. Once the file has been selected click the 'Upload' button.
Turnitin Assignments
To upload on behalf of a student when the assignment style has been set to Turnitin, see section 9 - Uploading on behalf of a student.
Assignment Settings Tab
The second tab on the Assignment Overview is the settings tab. Most of the settings for an assignment have previously been set when the assignment was created on the configuration pages however, there are a few assignment specific settings that can be altered on the settings tab as well.
On the Settings Tab you can change the assignment name (both long and short), the key dates, the submission type and the grade and feedback visibility.
Special note should be taken with the 'Key Dates' as this allows you set a date from which the assignment is available to students. The assignment will not appear to students until after the 'students can submit from date.
If you have changed anything within the assignment settings tab you must click the Update Assignment Settings button, there are two: one at the top of the page and one at the bottom, it does not matter which you use.
Previous: 5. Coursework Overview or Next: 7. Student Submissions