Health and Wellbeing

Occupational Health

The University has an Environmental, Health and Safety Services Department of which Occupational Health is part.  OH comprises 1 OH Physician and 1 OH Adviser and offers a number of services including health surveillance and management/self referral.  Please click Occupational health for further details.

Eye Tests

The University will pay up to £50 towards the cost of new glasses if they are a requirement for using display screen equipment, as per HSE Guidelines.  The employee should raise a claim and upload a copy of the prescription and receipt in the Oracle Fusion system. Guidance including how to access Oracle Fusion can be found on the Finance and Procurement webpage.


The University may pay for the cost of up to 6 counselling sessions if it is deemed to be helpful for the employee.  These must be arranged via Occupational Health.


The University have partnered with Peppy (a health app) to provide free, confidential and personalised support to staff (and their partners) on menopause and men's health. Within the app, there are various human expert supports available including menopause and men’s health nurses, nutritional therapists, mental health counsellors and expert fitness practitioners. To find out how to download the app, visit the Peppy webpage

Equality & Diversity

The University of St Andrews is fully committed to respect and fair treatment for everyone, eliminating discrimination and actively promoting equality of opportunity and delivering fairness to all.  Please click Equality and Diversity Inclusion for further details.


The University Chaplaincy is situated centrally in Mansefield, opposite the Student's Association.  The Chaplaincy is used by a variety of students and staff for quiet and reflection, for various meetings, for meeting with friends and for social activities. There is also a meeting and worship place for various major faiths. It is used in particular by Christian, Muslim and Jewish societies, and has a Muslim prayer room. An Orthodox rabbi from Glasgow visits on occasion.  Please click  for further details.