Business Partner
HR Business Partners |
Extension | |
Bronwen Jenkins | 1967 | |
Cameron Little | 2497 | |
Ellen MacMillan | 4157 | |
Kathyrn Tait | 2565 | |
Louise Milne | 2557 | |
Louise Nixon | 2350 | |
Mary Shotter | 4150 | |
Mairi Stewart | 2556 | |
Val Insch | 1897 | |
Schools: | HR Business Partner |
Art History | Cameron Little |
Biology | Louise Milne |
Business School | Val Insch |
Chemistry | Bronwen Jenkins |
Classics | Val Insch |
Computer Science | Louise Milne |
Divinity | Cameron Little |
Earth and Environmental Sciences | Louise Nixon |
English | Louise Milne |
Geography and Sustainable Development | Mary Shotter |
Graduate School | Louise Milne |
History | Cameron Little |
International Relations | Louise Nixon |
Mathematics and Statistics | Cameron Little |
Medicine | Ellen MacMillan |
Modern Languages | Louise Milne |
Philosophical, Anthropological & Film Studies | Val Insch |
Physics and Astronomy | Bronwen Jenkins |
Psychology and Neuroscience | Louise Milne |
Units: | HR Business Partner |
Academic Registry | Mary Shotter |
Admissions | Mary Shotter |
Business Transformation Portfolio Office (BTPO) | Louise Nixon |
Byre Theatre | Louise Milne |
Careers Centre | Bronwen Jenkins |
Chaplaincy | Cameron Little |
Corporate Communications | Val Insch |
Development | Kathryn Tait |
Eden Campus | Louise Nixon |
Education and Student Experience | Val Insch |
Entrepreneurial (St Andrews) | Louise Nixon |
Environmental Health and Safety Services (EHSS) | Cameron Little |
Estates | Val Insch |
Finance | Val Insch |
Global Office | Louise Nixon |
Human Resources | Mairi Stewart |
International Education & Lifelong Learning Institute (IELLI) | Mary Shotter |
IT Services | Val Insch |
Legal | Louise Nixon |
Libraries & Museums | Bronwen Jenkins |
Music Centre | Louise Milne |
Office of the Principal | Mairi Stewart |
Planning | Cameron Little |
Procurement | Bronwen Jenkins |
Residential and Business Services | Cameron Little |
Research Innovation Services (RIS) | Louise Nixon |
Saints Sport | Mary Shotter |
Student Services | Cameron Little |