Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

To ensure that there is a continuous improvement in health and safety standards, it is necessary to undertake a quantitative measure of performance (KPIs). Such KPIs will need to be a measure of ‘Positive Outcomes’ rather than a case of number gathering. 

One of the most important KPI is incident reporting and incident investigation. This shows where systems have failed to the point where somebody gets hurt or could have been hurt. It is therefore vital that all incidents (except the most trivial) and near misses are reported. Such reports are an indication as to what resources need to be put into dealing such failings. This could be single events causing injury or repetitive minor injuries (eg lots of people tripping up on the same paving slab etc).

There will be two types of such KPIs.

  • University wide KPI which will be a measure of all Schools/Units performance
  • School/Unit KPI which will be specific and will show improvement within the School/Unit.

University Wide KPIs

There will be a series of indicators used to measure the standard of health and safety performance. These may include:

  • Incident Reporting and Investigation
    • Number of incidents reported per School/Unit (data from EHSS)
    • Types of incidents reported per School/Unit (data from EHSS)
    • Activities causing incidents (data from EHSS)
    • Number of incident recommendations
    • Fire Safety
      • Number of fire risk assessments undertaken (EHSS)
      • Number of recommendations of FRAs completed
      • Number of fire drills
    • Training
      • Number of staff completing the Essential Skillz Requirements
      • How the training matrix is being managed
    • Inspections
      • 6 monthly fire audit - Number of remedial actions recommendations completed
      • 6 monthly training audit - Number of remedial actions recommendations completed
      • For Science Laboratories - Monthly laboratory inspections
      • Annual health and safety report to the Office of the Principal

A series of documents will be produced and issued to Schools/Units which will define the exact data that will be required to be submitted.

School/Unit specific KPIs

Each School will be requested to produce specific health and safety data which relates specifically to their activities and will not be used as a comparison between Schools/Units. This will be produced in collaboration between EHSS and the Head of the School/Unit.

(Updated 07/03/2021)